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About Masternode stats

What is a masternode ?

A masternode is an important component of the privacy-enhanced cryptocurrency. Masternodes are servers on the Internet that enable instant transactions and perform the trustless anonymization of users' funds. Also known as bonded validator systems, masternodes are a series of servers that underpin a blockchain's network. They are responsible for enabling specific services that miners under proof of work cannot accomplish.

Some masternode functions :

  • Increase privacy of transactions
  • Do instant transactions
  • Participate in governance and voting
  • Enable budgeting and treasury system in cryptos

Why do people invest in masternodes?

The network pay rewards to the masternode owner in exchange for running the masternode. It's a good way of earning a passive income.

Where do our datas come from?

For each masternode, we run the coin wallet to get the real live datas.

How to contact us?

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